Coming Up to Speed

Over the past month now I’ve gradually managed to bring the website ‘up to speed’, in the sense that I’ve always thought it should be: something substantial posted every day; more frequent updates of new books and magazines; better reaction and response to incoming emails (my inbox now has no more than a couple dozen items left at the end of each day, rather than hundreds of stale, unread and unanswered items).

This is due to a synchronicity of events: Locus HQ is supplying more content (sample reviews, and ‘spotlight’ interviews yet to be posted) for the website; Locus HQ’s taking over of News posts this past year has relieved me of a considerable burden (though I still do them once in a while, on weekends, which they all take off); my workplace has gradually eased off on website access during the day (though certain domains, e.g. anything on blogspot such as Matt Cheney’s blog, are intermittently blocked); I’ve found better, more effective ways of tracking scheduled tasks and dispositioning them each day; and, frankly, my focus on health over the past couple years, diet and exercise and supplements, has recently had beneficial consequences in terms of focus and energy in a sense that only my partner, doctor, and trainer can fully appreciate. (This may be TMI.)

The next step is that I’m reviving the website’s periodic ‘Monitor’ page devoted to what’s on other websites, in counterpart to the ‘other magazines’ page; I did such pages for a couple years back in the 2001-2003 time period, as ‘E-Publications’, the last post being May 2003. The new posts will be called ‘Other Websites’ and should be posted weekly. That’s the plan. Most of the first post is ready, and you will see it tomorrow, Friday 7/23. In conjunction with that, I’m checking for currency the links on the Links Portal page, which I haven’t done for a couple years, and consolidating there links to newer sites that so far have only been listed in Blinks.

One area not yet ‘up to speed’ is this personal blog — since, as everyone knows, the ideal blog should have something posted every day. Do I have anything to say worth posting every day, that people out there would want to read every day? Well, perhaps the former, and the latter doesn’t seem to bother many bloggers out there. We’ll see; that will be next.

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