Category Archives: The Gays

Subjective Worlds

First of all, I updated yesterday’s post to include the initial list of falsehoods in Trump’s RNC acceptance speech as compiled by CNN, and read off on TV by its fact-checker in the minutes after the speech ended. For today, … Continue reading

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For Certain Values of Natural

Conservatives are obsessed over things that are allegedly “unnatural” (especially homosexuality), when what they are really concerned about is any behavior unsuitable to tribal morality, in particular the expansion and growth of the human tribe, for which any sexual behavior … Continue reading

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Personal Jesus and Other Fantasies

How Russia is cracking down on the Gay Rights Movement, just as American evangelicals would like to do; A laughable debate about whether the Earth is flat or round, based on Biblical theology; A take on the economy that suggests … Continue reading

Posted in conservatives, Economics, Music, Psychology, The Gays | Leave a comment

A Rainy, Foggy Day in the Bay Area

We got our walk in today during a break in the rain; when it started again, it turned to fog. (Meanwhile, making significant progress on the next expansion of today. Real soon now.) Various items for today; catching up … Continue reading

Posted in Atheism, Conservative Resistance, Narrative, Politics, Religion, The Gays | Leave a comment

Decency, Bias, and Superstition

Over and over, Trump and his team, unable to win arguments on the facts, resort to ad hominem — character assassination; The contrast between conservative insistence on women taking a child to term, rather than abortion, with the mild inconvenience … Continue reading

Posted in conservatives, Psychology, The Gays | Leave a comment

Homosexuality Among Mammals, and Human Families

Several pieces about a recent study that suggests homosexuality evolved among mammalian species to reduce conflict “intrasexual violence”; A review of a book about the nuclear family, which the reviewer suggests doesn’t take alternatives into account. – – –   … Continue reading

Posted in Science, Social Progress, The Gays | Leave a comment

Vivek Ramaswamy as Prototypical Republican Candidate

Vox’s Andrew Prokop on how Vivek would “simply just solve American’s tough problems”; NYT’s Michelle Goldeberg on why that some people find Vivek insufferable is exactly why his fans are drawn to him; WaPo’s Paul Waldman on how Republicans are … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Culture, Politics, The Gays | Leave a comment

Explaining Trump and his Followers; Conservatives’ Lies about Heartstopper

Two kinds of boomers, and the naivete of older people about how social media works; Why Republican voters believe Trump — it’s all about their feelings of victimhood; An example of how pearl-clutching conservatives lie about Heartstopper. Not one but … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Psychology, The Gays | Leave a comment

Sausalito, and Heartstopper

Missed posting yesterday because we took a day drive, on the first day of a three-day (Memorial Day, in the US) holiday weekend. On such weekends (Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day) most Americans don’t celebrate the event so much … Continue reading

Posted in Personal history, The Gays | Leave a comment

Our New Hillside, and the usual political matters

First of all, tree trimmers have been near us for two days, trimming and potentially cutting down the eucalyptus trees on the hillside next to our house. This is welcome news because eucalyptus trees are fire-prone, and because a couple … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Personal history, Politics, The Gays | Leave a comment