Monthly Archives: October 2022

Look at the Evidence

Readings from Heather Cox Richardson and Paul Krugman.

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Real and Imaginary Worlds

Another round of links to articles and essays about current events. Link about this photo, from Raw Story, further down the page. My prediction: the Angel of Death will *not* strike all these people down by the end of the … Continue reading

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Denying the Denialists? and Bros

Just time for one Reading today, then some comments about seeing a movie in a movie theater for the first time in nearly 3 years.

Posted in Meaning, Movies, Politics | Leave a comment

Readings: On Freedom of Religion, and Unholy Alliances

I posted this link a couple days ago but without comments. It’s worth revisiting (it was in today’s print paper, so I reread it) to dig out key points. New York Times, Steven Paulikas (an Episcopal priest), 15 Oct 2022: … Continue reading

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It’s Been Happening Here All Along

NYT, Jamelle Bouie, 18 Oct 2022: The U.S. Thinks ‘It Can’t Happen Here.’ It Already Has. The quoted phrase is, of course, the title of a famous 1935 novel by Sinclair Lewis, on the idea that the fascism of Hitler’s … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Politics | Leave a comment

Voter Suppression, Supply-Side Economics, Empathy; and Links

Heather Cox Richardson, Facebook, October 16, 2022 (Sunday) Richardson, a political historian, posts several times a week with longish (2 to 3 screens) summaries of recent events, grounded in historical perspective. This one is about the connection between voter suppression … Continue reading

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Ian R. MacLeod, “New Light on the Drake Equation”

This week’s Sunday novella is “New Light on the Drake Equation” by Ian R. MacLeod. It was first published on the (long-gone) website Sci Fiction on May 2, 2001. (The site, edited by Ellen Datlow, won a Hugo Award in … Continue reading

Posted in science fiction, Short Fiction | Leave a comment

The Latest on Quantum Mechanics and Gravity?

Frederik Pohl, the SF writer and editor who wrote Gateway and many other novels, once wrote a book called Chasing Science: Science as a Spectator Sport, which was about him not being a scientist, but interesting in following new scientific … Continue reading

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Neil deGrasse Tyson; Gregory Berns; the Myth of a Lost Golden Age

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Culture, Science | Leave a comment

Yom Kippur, Belief in Belief, Doctrine of Discovery, the SBC

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