Monthly Archives: August 2021

L&C: About Hospital Workers Who Are Opposed to the Covid Vaccines

This headline was striking recently. NYT: A Hospital Finds an Unlikely Group Opposing Vaccination: Its Workers, subtitled, “When a Staten Island hospital implemented a vaccine or testing mandate, some of its staff staged angry protests.”

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Ls&Cs: Morality, Left and Right

Two items recently that dovetail nicely.

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Ls&Cs This Past Month

Too many to comment about in much detail.

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ICU Delusions

When I was in the hospital for several weeks following my second heart attack, in April and May 2021, I retained no memories of the first week because I was on sedation while the doctors figured out what to do … Continue reading

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Michael Strevens: THE KNOWLEDGE MACHINE (2020)

Here’s a book I read a few weeks ago while in the hospital (so my notes on it are sketchier than usual). It was published last October, though I didn’t buy it until February. When I picked it up to … Continue reading

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Ls&Cs: Tribal Loyalties and Conservative Irrationality

Several striking items recently that dovetail nicely, about covid and climate change denial.

Posted in Lunacy, Politics, Science | Leave a comment

Ls&Cs: Two Mathematical Ideas

First: Slate: What Does It Really Mean When a Headline Says “75 Percent of Cases Occurred in Vaccinated People”?, subtitled, “A simple math lesson to calm some of the panic around breakthrough cases.”

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Two Thoughts About Expertise

Is the US more susceptible to skepticism about expertise — and to science, and prone to conspiracy theories — than other ‘advanced’ nations? Certainly there are anti-vax zealots in other countries as well, but I’ve thought of two reasons why … Continue reading

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