Category Archives: Philosophy

Understanding Human Nature

Ultimately, everything in the daily news makes sense through an honest understanding of human nature. (It is not there are two legitimate “sides” to every issue.) Two thought pieces for today, then a bunch of shorter items. About how macaques … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Evolution, Human Progress, Humanism, Philosophy | Comments Off on Understanding Human Nature

A Table of Moral Polarities, Initial Take

I’ve been making notes over the past month for a table of moral polarities, in order to align and summarize some of the concepts and the many news examples I’ve compiled lately. Recall how I’ve mentioned that certain attitudes, especially … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, History, Meaning, Morality, Philosophy, Science, science fiction, Uncategorized | Comments Off on A Table of Moral Polarities, Initial Take

Trust in Science, Bertrand Russell, and Religious “Truth”

An item about restoring trust in science, which doesn’t say very much except to improve education; A reading from Bertrand Russell, about religion, morals, and science; How a religious thinker thinks historians should only tell history that is “inspiring and … Continue reading

Posted in Epistemology, Philosophy, Religion, Science | Comments Off on Trust in Science, Bertrand Russell, and Religious “Truth”

Another Gloss on Philosophy

I think I mentioned this book before. It’s a compilation of rough summaries of twelve general topics, from American Studies to World History, with literature, music, philosophy, religion, science, and others in between, written for people who worry that their … Continue reading

Posted in Cosmology, Philosophy, Religion | Comments Off on Another Gloss on Philosophy

Illiberalism, and the Wood Age

“Illiberalism” and its history in the US; How perhaps the “Stone Age” is perhaps better described as the “Wood Age” — how science can update stale conclusions; How some “smart people” hold noxious conspiracy theories too; Kristi Noem would have … Continue reading

Posted in History, Morality, Philosophy, Politics | Comments Off on Illiberalism, and the Wood Age

Two Essays

Frank Bruni on how everything is complicated, and the need to be humble; A New Yorker piece about how to understand misinformation. I have at hand two or three long essays that I plan to read and comment on, as … Continue reading

Posted in conservatives, Philosophy, Psychology | Comments Off on Two Essays

Daniel Dennett, Exploring the Universe, the Eclipse, and How so Many People have no idea what an eclipse is about

Daniel Dennett’s four biggest ideas in philosophy; Why we spend money to explore the universe; Washington Post with images of the eclipse; And SF author CJ Cherryh on how so many ‘people on the street’ have no idea what makes … Continue reading

Posted in Astronomy, Philosophy, Science | Comments Off on Daniel Dennett, Exploring the Universe, the Eclipse, and How so Many People have no idea what an eclipse is about

Two Thought-Provoking Pieces, and Notes about the Fringe

Adam Frank on science and the need to account for human experience; How “entropy bagels” and other complex structures emerge from simple rules; Headlines about the fringe: that North Carolina GOP nominee; how Trump is degenerating; his empty pseudo-religion; his … Continue reading

Posted in Meaning, Music, Philosophy, Science | Comments Off on Two Thought-Provoking Pieces, and Notes about the Fringe

Philosophy, Science, and Politics

First of all, I refined and polished my discussion of the Thomas Nagel book, posted here, and identified my key takeaway. (Sometimes you have to mull things for a few days before your thoughts gel.) Currently revisiting E.O. Wilson’s CONSILIENCE, … Continue reading

Posted in History, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology | Comments Off on Philosophy, Science, and Politics


Here’s a *very* short introduction to philosophy, published way back in 1987 but which I tracked down and bought because it was recommended by Edward Craig, author of that other short introduction to philosophy that I reviewed here. As Craig … Continue reading

Posted in Book Notes, Philosophy | Comments Off on Thomas Nagel, WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?