Never Be the Same Again

Best song from the elusive Darren Hayes album WE ARE SMUG…, released online back in 2009, but not available on CD until last year, and which I finally caught up with via Amazon last month.

I am not generally a fan of generic pop music, but a chance encounter in a Time Magazine article, back in 1999 or so, about Hayes and his then group Savage Garden, led me to check them out (partly because Hayes in the accompanying photo was so cute ;), and resulted in a firm devotion. Their tunes were catchy, and many of Hayes’ lyrics were actually pretty smart. About love and romance and genetic drives; a two-CD set, This Delicate Thing We’ve Made, a song-cycle involving time travel and visiting one’s past.

You can take a broken heart
And smash it through a windowpane
It will break right through
But it’ll never be the same again

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