Category Archives: Education

The Dangers of Education

Here’s an opinion piece in WaPo from a few days ago that acknowledges that what conservatives fear is true. Washington Post, Paul Waldman, 25 Aug 2022: Conservatives think education is a threat. They’re right.

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L&Cs: The Limits of Human Intelligence; Disinformation and the Media

Is there a limitation to human intelligence and understanding of reality, bound by our tendency to believe magical things for the sake of tribal unity? And how do people understand reality when governments seeking to maintain power are in control … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Education, Evolution, Psychology, The Gays | Leave a comment

Ls&Cs: Resistance to Learning; and Learning

Articles about William F. Buckley, the Republicans’ war on education, and fire management.

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L&Cs: Learning from Others; A Universal Education

Americans mostly resist considering what other countries in the world are doing that objectively makes their economies better, or their health and prosperity higher, than the US’s, because Americans are “exceptional,” and, like, the greatest country ever. I suspect most … Continue reading

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